Saturday, April 5, 2008

What am I doing?

Today I got on the treadmill (which made 4 times this wk.), and I was walking for about a minute and then told myself "run just a little." So I cranked up the treadmill fast enough that I either had to run or fall off. I ran for 6 minutes, not all at the same time, but I did 1 mile in 16 minutes (which it usually takes me 18-20 min.). I ran 6 of the 16 minutes !!!! I was getting close to the end of the mile and I thought "after running today, I can just stop at one mile" but when I got done w/ the 1 mile I couldn't stop, so I walked for another mile. I got done w/ my 2 miles in 33 minutes (usually takes me 38-40 minutes). I know it may sound silly to some of you reading this, my times are not good and I am no where near running a marathon, but I am improving and that is what matters to me. Then I walked til I got to 35 minutes b/c a friend told me I could, seems so silly but true. It seems weird what a few little words of encouragement can do. I don't know if we always know what an impact just a few words can make. So I want to say thank you to all of you who have posted comments or made comments when you see me, it has really helped me. Side note, I got a card in the mail yesterday from a new friend and it touched my heart more than words can say, simple act....big impact !!!!!
Sunday Night - one more update, don't know if ppl read this over the past two days or not, but I wanted to add that I ran 1/2 mile straight tonight, took me 6 minutes, but I ran the whole time. I am still walking 35 min., but I am walking over 2 miles. Still have only lost 35 lbs., but I know I just gotta stick w/ it. I lost like 30 lbs. in two and a half months, which I loved but I know it can't keep coming off that fast. I dread getting on the treadmill, but feel so good getting off. I think I might be turning that corner, of not dreading the treadmill soooo much.


Jessi said...

Wow! Good for you girl! I just cannot force myself to walk! I hate it! I admire your determination!

Anonymous said...

Great job Mel! I've been trying to get up the nerve to start on that process again myself. I was going to walk to work this morning, but alas...severe weather is in the forecast. Guess it will have to be the elyptical (sp?). Keep it're doing awesome!

Michelle said...

"You're the inspiration, you bring meaning to my life, you're the inspiration." :)

I'm very proud of you Mel. You look great! I can't wait for this baby to be born so I can get back on track or should I say, back on THE track.